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April 22nd 2024: Announcing Author Explorer. Explore influential social handles in backlink context.
Find out more

At Majestic Monitor we look at how the Internet interacts with Social Media profiles.

We have found 33 Trillion web pages that have links to over 28 Million Twitter accounts.

We have a number of important stats for each account we have seen - from the exact number of websites and webpages we have found a link on, to the Trust Flow of the account.

See a selection of similar profiles and a breakdown of the Topical Trust Flow for that account.

For each account we show up to the top 10 pages that a link to this account was found on.

Each account has a word cloud made up of the most common words used from the linking sites.

A breakdown of the sentiment for a profile shows how positively / negatively the linking sites see this account.

So what are you waiting for? Get Started